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The Florian

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WLAN inklusive


A beautiful historic city center, famous museums, shops, restaurants and the beach around the corner: welcome to Haarlem.

Historic centre

In the end of the middle ages, Haarlem grew out to be one of the most important cities of The Netherlands. Nowadays, Haarlem still has a rich history, with many museums to visit.


More information


Are you looking for that special shop, that extraordinary place where you can find something unique? Take a stroll through the Golden Streets (de Gouden Straatjes). Guaranteed success! 


Haarlem by boat

Discover Haarlem at its best, from the water. Sail with a tour boat, rent a boat or use a sailing arrangement. The Haarlem canals, the terraces along the water and the view of the beautiful monuments make your cruise a special experience. 


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